- Great when a good friend called me during my lunch hour; felt so happy to connect; need more of that
- Happy hour was really fun; felt young again but realized, being young isn't that great; hated waiting for my friend, awkwardly talking to people around you
- Need to get more shit done at work but feel like I'm in quick sand... think everyone at work feels that way
- Little boss told me to talk to Big Boss (alone) about big question; Big Boss tends to rip things apart; Feel like Little Boss is throwing me to the wolves and oddly told me that it'll do me good. I don't believe him and think he just wants to get out of it; sort of don't blame him
- Realized that my husband works his ass off and that I really, really love him
Also, I feel myself stagnant right now. I want to change fields into alternative medicine but I'm scared. I feel the fear holding me back, and while I realize that the fear is ridiculous, it has a hold on me -- thankfully, less so than previously. I hear everyone's voices telling me their opinions, including my own. I'm worried that I'm fail, become a sloth, or be a total loser. I feel like I should take more advantage of my legal degree and experience, but also recognize that i don't like the adversarial set-up of law and that I probably want to just stay in law b/c that's what I've been doing and it's easy to stay where you are... even if you know that that's not the right place to be.
I am scared to be a stereotype of lame housewife. (though I don't really look down on anyone who is - so it's odd that I'm judging myself harsher than I judge others). I'm going to start looking at myself as another person -- not as me. Maybe I'll be less critical and judgmental. But then, my cynical side starts saying, well, will that pay the bills? (even though, in my job, I make peanuts).
Ah, who knows? I don't have it figured out. I guess I'll just follow my nose. =)
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